About Shipping

Generally, we provide you with the following shipping options:

1. Standard Shipping
If the total value of the goods you purchase is less than US$29.99 or if you purchase less than 5 products, the shipping fee is US$7.

2. Free shipping
If the total value of the goods you purchase is more than $29.99 or if you purchase more than 5 products, free shipping.


Country: USA, Canada

Shipping Fee: US$7


Country: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, stonia, Malta, Finland, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Sweden

Shipping Fee: US$7


Country: U.K.

Shipping Fee: US$7

  • Country: Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau

  • Shipping Fee: US$7